Clear Day silver jumpers or equivalent

Greetings. I'm currently running Clear Day double shotgun silver speaker cables and very happy with them. I would like to find the same silver jumpers. With Clear Day no longer in business after the passing of the owner Paul Laudati (a truly exceptional man by the way) buying a new set is not an option. Would like to find a pre-owned set but if I can't can anyone recommend something compatible in solid silver that won't break the bank? ThanksĀ 
Thanks again for the help. By all means don't do anything that would damage your interconnects just for reverse engineering purposes. Like I said I have some of his RCA interconnects and if someone were going to cut anything open it should be me. I am interested in trying to make some balanced interconnects and you've given me the information I need to give it a shot. I just purchased a pre-owned Topping D90 DAC on audiogon which has XLR outputs. When I upgrade my preamp to a balanced one I will need the new interconnects. When that time comes I'll let you know how my project goes. Thanks and take care
I designed Paul's www and suggested the name Clear Day Cables

He was as fine person as I ever had a relationship with, although I never met him

He made me a set of jumpers when I had Magnepan 3.5Rs, but I sold them long ago

You might try Wire World. I use their OCC cable as jumpers between my Emerald Physics 3.4s and their outboard power supplies. If you don't need them terminated that would save $$$

Thanks tweak1, actually things have changed a little since my original post. I'm not sure I will really have a need for jumpers. Because I used to bi-amp my speakers I purchased two sets of speaker cables from Paul. Now that I only run a single amplifier I had an extra set of cables that I wouldn't need. So I decided I would run one set to the lower terminals and one set to the upper terminals of my speakers so at this time no need for jumpers. Some might think it's in my head but I have always found when listening that whichever terminals got the direct connection to the amplifier would take priority over the terminals that received current through the jumpers. Nice job with the website and the company name too
That's the set up I ended up with: two sets of cables. That sounded better than any configuration of a single set of SCs, jumpers, and which inputs to use.

All the best,
+1 for silver. In my opinion anytime you can lower the resistance, whether cables, jumpers or CONNECTORS, that will result in better sound.