High end streamer/server profound choice

Lots of pieces to consider, power supply, clockers, switches, formats, connection issues, dac issues, ethernet noise, optical rendu, etherregen, etc.  

Too much to handle?  I think so.

so i am considering stretching and getting a higher end component $8 to $12 and avoiding all the nonsense.  And feel better with a nice piece of gear.  Avoiding clutter.

doesnt this make more good sense?? 

@jumia, As @richtruss reports above, and others, have stated above, successful Streaming REQUIRES all the devices that get the Internet signal to your server to be working perfectly. This include the router, switch boxes, modems, the ISP connection, the ISP junction boxes, ISP amplifier and an optimized Ethernet connection, etc. IN OTHER WORDS, there are many moving parts in front of the server that might need work.

For example, my outside cable junction box cables were corroded and needed to be replaced. My outside ISP amplifier was not working correctly and needed repairs. And, my ISP cable signal was out of the correct frequency range and needed to be adjusted.

It seems, unfortunately, I had issues with most everything down stream that took time and patience to get repaired. AND, yes, everything is working fine now and it sounds wonderful.

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yesiamjohn nailed it
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