Mega dollar systems. 200k on up. What are their professions?

Acoustical Systems Apolyt Turntable ($349,000), 1190.5lbs (540kg) for example. I will try to upload a picture.
"...$500k audio system is extravagant, nonetheless, regardless of income..."

It is by my standards and I did well financially but 500K is a good chunk of change for most everyone, even the so called rich. 
I love the way we can muse about "1st World Problems/issues" like this. The money we spend on treats and hobbies can only be viewed as gluttony buy the less fortunate.  Those of us who have the ability to pursue our hobbies are so very lucky. If you can afford it, no one else ever needs to questions your choices or how much you spend. Ain't Individual Freedom great? 🇺🇲
My system value is for all 3 pieces 500 bucks...

It will remain so....

We can go a long way with the ratio S.Q. / price....

Especially with the help of acoustic and other embeddings controls...

Dont feel frustrated by costly system...

Go in your basement and create one..,..

It will not be the best in the world but you creativity can give to you  one of the best in the world in the scale ratio S.Q. /price...

And with 500K surplus invest in your family needs....

«It is better to be than to boast »-Groucho Marx 🤓
You dont have to have a great paying job. Im living proof.  You most LIKELY have to be a good disciplined investor in the stock market. I retired at 44/45. Think I made 800K in a 20+ year career in I/T as a computer operator.  Always maxed out my 401K and Roth IRA's. Stock market is up about 450-500% since March 2009. Not hard to become a Millionaire/Multi-Millionaire in that scenario and be able to buy 200K worth of gear or anything else your little heart desires.  Try to teach my nieces/nephews but of course THEY KNOW BETTER!! LOL