Your favorite OCC speaker cable

I've gotten good sound with my Analysis Plus Crystal Solo interconnects and may go for their speaker wire. But I like to wait for something used to come along, and it could be a long wait.

In the meantime, if there's a speaker wire with OCC that you've liked, I'd be curious to know what's worked for you.
BS Neanderthal. The shoulders on your jacket would be a lot more droopy if you used the cables. 
@cmariner1 Wow, what a crew of deluded nit pickers. I'll bet a leg that not one of you could tell the difference in a coat hanger or one of these rip off cables.

Some people can hear a notable difference. Some cannot, with no need beyond zip cord or a coat hanger for speaker cables. Good for them!   
Just make sure to use the plastic coated ones if you adopt a twisted pair configuration.

In outback Australia coat hangers are considered a bit OTT and recycled fencing wire is usually considered perfectly adequate. Wasting ya’ money @cmarineri.
And once again, I jump off a thread I started because the capacity of civil dialogue falls apart. Thanks to those who gave serious and polite replies.
@hilde45, another alternative could be Furutech’s FS-alpha, a discontinued product that could be found at very reasonable pricing. The successor is FS-a36, still OCC.