An Objective Review of the Tekton Double Impact Speakers

In case anyone is confused from the video here’s the written assessments

May 10 – Phil – Tekton vs Klipsch Thread

I feel greatly let down by my Double Impact speakers and the service I received from them. The women there didn’t know anything about speakers and the owner was rude. When I received them I couldn’t believe how disappointed I was and I paired them with a PrimaLuna EVO 300, a four-thousand dollar amp. I tried different placements but nothing and I listened to a ton of different kinds of music. Even BB King with a full horn section wasn’t exciting. For me, the sound doesn’t travel but rather it sounds like something is happening across the room. They’re better at high volumes but there’s still know definition in the sound. The highs aren’t high and the bass isn’t defined or low and they sound sort of like surround sound speakers.

I’m selling them since it’ll cost me $375 EACH to send them back and I purchased a set of Klipsch Forte 4’s to replace them. And you can bet your life that the people at Tekton know that you won’t send them back when you find out what it costs.

Don’t believe the hype, it’s baloney. All those people reviewing them are getting incentives and to compare them to speakers worth 10 thousand dollars and more are snowing us. In the end, just believe your ears.

Have a wonderful day, Phil

May 11 - Phil – Tekton vs Klipsch Thread

I might have already commented on this so forgive me if this is a repeat. I’m so grossly disappointed by my Double Impacts it’s pitiful and I’ve tried everything imaginable to get them to work. My amp is a PrimaLuna EVO 300.

I’m a musician (Local 802) and made hand-made mouthpieces for some of the greatest sax players who ever lived for almost forty years, am fairly respected and let me tell you, these speakers suck and if you believe people like Steve Guttenberg who gets all kinds of perks from the audio companies then you might want to reassess your source of information because ALL those guys get something in return for their reviews. Several of these guys said that the DI’s are as good as speakers costing 30K! Do you believe that?

When I called Tekton to ask for help, Eric Alexander was rude to me before I could even get a work in and told me to return them but ALAS, it costs $385.00 to return EACH speaker! So, in reality, if they cost that much to send them to me then they’re really only a $2300 speaker. So I’m dumping them and have already bought a pair of Klipsch Forte 4’s. If you can’t audition a speaker, then don’t buy it

May 14- Phil – Tekton vs Klipsch Thread

I recently received my Tekton DI’s and am utterly dismayed by how they sound when compared to the press they get. First, they’re not a three-thousand dollar speaker, they’re more like a twenty-three hundred dollar speaker when you take off the shipping and if you want to return them, in my case it’s $385 each.

I find with my PrimaLuna EVO 300 they don’t project, lack clarity, lack lows, lack dynamics and they almost sound like surround sound speakers, okay for a restaurant or department store and if you listen to muzak.

Also, the recording must be excellent or they’re flat and generic but on really good recordings some people may find them okay but not great unless you’ve been listening to like a hand-held radio.

I’ve been in the music business forty years and let me tell you what happens. A company puts some money behind a mediocre product with advertising, gets a few fans to feel loyal, maybe with perks, gets a bunch of inexperienced customers behind it that think it’s god’s gift and gives incentives to the knucklehead reviewers and it sells like crazy but they always peter out, always.

Oh, and the customer service at Tekton sucks the big one. I didn’t mind waiting 3 1/2 months but when I thought I was doing something wrong the owner at Tekton became defensive and combative. They don’t return emails or phone calls. It’s a mess. But, let’s not forget, Eric Alexander IS a drummer so maybe we should excuse him..

Aside from sounding like a maniac today (forgive me and thank you very much) let me make one suggestion, DON’T buy a speaker unless you demo it. Now, does that make any sense?


Which is it Phil, do the speakers and the company in general suck, or your better half doesn’t like the look and you only played them for 5 hours a la the ad? Seems like transparency needs to come into play; to be objective one must also be credible

Yeah definitely some differences in opinion between the ad and the review. I can get it if you just didn’t like them...... tone or whatever. Also said they lack lows and in the video he said the bass was great. The other one that boggles me is the statement they lack dynamics. IMO they are dynamic monsters! Sound like a serious placement issue, equipment mismatch or faulty pair. Do I think they sound like 10k plus speakers? Yeah, in some ways. My current speakers retailed for around 10k and they do most things better than the DIs IMO and I was one of the guys posting how great they were. I listen loud sometimes and you could definitely hear the cabinets at high volumes with bass heavy music but low to medium high volume they were really nice. I still believe them to be very good especially in the price bracket. 

I do think there is something to the array concept. With high end drivers, better cabinets and crossover parts they may have the potential to rival anything out there. We shall see. 
Good post @facten The audiogon ad is definitely in conflict with everything that has been posted in the forum. A smarter guy would have waited until after the sale to drag Tekton through the mud in public on the SAME site as he is trying to sell the speakers.


What the OP is probably going to realize is that he will probably not get the $3,000 he is asking, more like $2,300 - $2,500. So it will most likely be a wash between selling and eating the shipping costs sending them back. Sending them back is a sure thing. Selling can be a PITA. Having guys show up to your house, listening to them, kicking the tires, sales falling through.  I hope I'm wrong for his sake. I do empathize as I purchased Tektons and Spatials and ended up sending them back. No more un-auditioned speaker buying for me. Probably didn't do himself any favors by trashing the same speakers he's trying to sell.