First subwoofer for a newbie.

Subs have me perplexed.... I can't seem to find what people think are clearly the few models to own. With blu-ray players, majority opinion clearly points to obbo products but yet I have not found as clear cut of a following with subs. Any thoughts? Budget is $500-$1200. I am open to used or refurbished. I am matching this up with PSB Synchrony Two B speakers. I would like a really tight bass and don't care as much about trying to rattle the house to the ground. I want my music to sound amazing, but also have a good home theater experience.

Thanks from a total newbie!
Sound and Vision Magazine also has loads of subwoofer reviews and they take measurements as well. More up to date than the excellent hometheatershack measurements. Those are where I go to research subs. And from that research, the newer SVS models look very impressive, especially the Plus and Ultra models.
If you only have one place to put a sub and cannot move it around, I would suggest that you get one w built in equalization software (like the Velo DD series) or get an external room equalizer like the Velo SMS or the Outlaw ICBM. Room modes and bass response at those long wavelengths are VERY room dependent and the ability to tune it to the room is probably more impt than the actual sub (within limits of course).

If you want, give me a call. I've been a dealer for all the brands you mentioned, and still use some of them at home. I'm not the greatest at typing however. I can tell you more in 2 minutes, than I can typing for an hour. 715 923-6367.

Buy The outlaw audio lfm-1 ex . Its on sale for 500.00 with free shipping . I brought the outlaw audio lfm1 plus . Love it great price sounds great . Dont let people tell a bunch of crap read the reviews .