Am I going to regret the Gallo 3.1s?

I am not rich. I am college student that doesnt have a ton of money and love music. It all started years ago with and the purchase of the Onix SP3/Reference 1 combo. Over the years, I have loved the combo but wanted to move into a more dynamic full range speaker... Years went by and as the Gallos came out, there was something about the design that just sucked me in, making me really want a pair. The problem was, they were just waaaay too expensive. Well, times have changed and I now have the money to finally get my hands on a pair for under 2k. My question is... is it too late? Are they outdated? Is there "something better" for the money now?
I think the strada/sub combo is the way to go in your room if you're set on the gallos. I used to own 3.1's and the bass is tight and may play low, but the impact isn't there without the optional sub amp, IMHO. Sound stage is very wide though.

BTW, I was powering them with a wyred st500, so they were receiving plenty of power.

What about the new gallo Classico series?
I wanted to clarify that I'm referring to the mid bass impact that I felt was lacking in my room without the sub amp with the crossover turned up a little higher than recommended by gallo.

Im leaning more and more to the stradas as well. I am just hoping for seamless integration with a sub cause ive had difficulties in the past making a sub and satellites work well together.
01-23-12: Vedder323
Goat, Nope. Wrong. Thanks for playing though.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news man, but we are talking about high-fidelity, and you can choose to ignore the facts and have bad sound, but in a closet sized room of 10 x 9 good sound is unfortunately not an option.

Best of luck anyway
He's told you he's a college student now. The small room is only a starting point. He has the money. The speakers are great (I've heard them in a small room). What's so hard about all this?