Balancing sound to sharpen dialogue?

I've got a really simple system: an Integra DTM7 and a pair of Totem Dreamcatchers. The Totems are really warm and have surprising bass depth, but when watching movies, dialogue never sounds as sharp as it should. And sometimes music feels bottom-heavy. The DTM7 has minimal EQ capabilities. I've tried simply dialing down the bass, which made my neighbors happier, but I'm wondering if there's some way to improve the balance -- speaker position? something else? -- so I get more clarity for speech.
Have tried toe-in or toe out? Try tilting the speakers back slightly so they are firing higher.

Bass traps or acoustic panels behind speakers or in corners can absorb low frequencies.

Same here!
most all movies, the speech is low in the movie, we. Have to turn up the tv volume to hear what they are saying, yet car chases, or explosions, window breaking noise is so loud, we turn it down, then back up to hear speech.

    On ALL our Netflix, Disney, the tv cable company extras, etc is like this.

   Using our DVD player, it is much better.
wish there were speaker jacks on the tv, but there is not.

  Our speakers are nice and warm tone also, but don’t use my 2 ch. for movies often, only for good movies. 
Good luck!
That is called dynamic range. THX set the standard 105dB and since almost all movies are mastered to be played back like this and since nobody wants to hear dialog at 105dB it winds up being way down in the mix. You can hear it just fine with a fine rig, but pretty much everyone else is gonna be turning the volume up and down.   

Probably your speakers are back against a wall, that is both huge bass reinforcement as well as midrange muddling. Pull them out, toe them in, and soon as you are able please, please, please look into replacing the AVR. That one thing right there will muddle your dialog like you won't believe.
Dynamic range has nothing to do with it. Judging by what you are saying you have too much in the 200 to 300 Hz area and not enough between 3000 and 8000 Hz. The only accurate way to see what is going on is to measure the system with a calibrated microphone and matching computer program. But, you have to have some way to EQ the system,
like a DEQX unit. Bass is accentuated with speakers in corners and against the wall. Pulling them away from corners and the walls may help. Also check to make sure your tweeters are working. They blow easily. 
I have never watched a movie or TV show and had problems understanding the speech. Perhaps someone in your area has a calibrated mic? Where do you live?