i am looking to replace my Krell with tube amps,

however Cary, Canary said that none of their amps can power Hansen Emperor because of 87db sensitive.

Anyone have their experience care to recommend.

I am upgrading my Aesthetix Calypso to Callisto sgn. with 1PS.
my room is size is 30 x 25' x 9th height in my basement. but i am using only half the space that is 15' x 25' x9'.

i have not had a chance to listen demo on Aesthetix Atlas mono, Ayon orthos ii and vulcan, Tenor 175s.

Bob Carvers new tube amps are supposed to be very good, 180 and 350w supposed to drive anything.
I also agree with Rgs92. Have excellent results, tube magic and solid bass and dynamics with my tubed Joule Electra LA 150 Mk2 preamp and Fosgate Signature phono preamp and 250 watt/channel solid state Belles 350 A amplifier.
thanks everyone for the input, it sound good Krell with tube pre and photo, it is that i have krell for over 10 years and thought is time to have a change.
i am waiting for my Aesthetix Callisto sgn. to arrive.
Thinking of powerful Tenor 175S, they said is the best power amp. i am looking for a used one, too much money for a new one.

I think audiovalve challanger 180's would be worth a look;el34,6550 or kt88 choices and power out ranges from 150 to 180 watts;I am using these on my soundlab m2's with very nice results.