Low power amps and speaker damage?

I've always read that low power amps are more likely to damage speakers than high powered ones (provided they're not overdriven).  This normally in threads where a member asks something like:  Will my 200 watt amp damage my speakers rated at 100 watts?

I've driven several 86db, or thereabouts, efficient speakers with just a few watt tubed amps and have never damaged my speakers.

Was I just lucky or is it I didn't push the speakers into loud enough volume for the low watts to damage the drivers?

Thanks, and stay safe.

When at clipping basically the tweeter sees a peak level for an extended period of time. No time for voice coil to cool. Have you ever seen a tweeter on fire? 
It does not matter if the amp is big or small, you can damage speakers either way.
A small amp let's say 5w most likely will not do any harm when clips as its peak output would be much less than the continuous power handling of the tweeter.
A 30w amp has more chances to destroy tweeters.

Mine goes to 11.
Nyah nyah.
What Erik said.
iPad ain’t got enough power for destruction.
The only tweeter I ever fried was 18 watts, AB SS with a goofy broad at the controls.
I learned the hard way  early on frying several Heil AMT tweets with a 40 watt integrated amp many years ago.   Never again.
Audible distortion = bad... doesn’t matter if it’s 1 watt or 1k. 

Regarding the 12 o’clock thing, read up on Pass Labs pre’s the higher the better...