Beginner looking for guidance into tube sound.

Hello all, I am looking for some input on the best way to add tubes to my current mess. I currently have what I am sure everyone here would consider barely a step up from my parents zenith HI-FI circa 1977. please keep in mind I am lucky if I can afford to look in the window of an actual audio store. 
I currently have a Peachtree nova 300 and a Marantz CD player and a pair of monitor audio silver 500 speakers. A friend gave me a blue sound node 2i also. I have always wanted a tube powered amp. I see these Chinese amps like the Muzishare X7 and Willsenton R8 that have lots of great reviews. Or maybe a tube DAC. Then I see the Black Ice for ss-x. Each having less tubes respectively. Not sure how much that matters but I would think the more tubes the more tube sound one could expect. I would like to be in the $1000. range but would go to $1500 if I had to. My goal is to find the best most cost effective way to enter the tube world.  
Been away from technology for a few days, getting caught up.
Thanks to everyone for all the input its all been valuable.
My conclusion seems to be that I would probably be best served buying a good preamp. That will eliminate any concerns of having the power to drive my inefficient speakers. The Aric Unlimited ii that was listed when I started this discussion got my interest up. I really like what he offers and I really like the thought of helping the small guy. As to some of the other options listed in the classifieds. A lot of them have the tubes inside the chassis. Well I have to admit I am "that guy" I want to see those beautiful glowing tubes. It HAS to make it sound better!! If anyone has other suggestions of products like the Unlimited ii or even his next step up the Transcend 6sn7 line stage don't be shy. 

I also really like those VTA "ST" kits. I am going to have to get one (probably the st120) of those for a winter project this fall!

Thanks again to everyone for the input!

At your budget I was one to recommend the Aric Unlimited. I own his special which I believe now has been upgraded to the Transcend. Both 6SN7 tube types. I know one AGer who posted on the Unlimited which he had Aric design for 6SN7 output tubes. Strongly advise you to talk to Aric regarding and advantages of the different options as applied to your system and budget.  

I have recordings with bass drums that don’t just shake walls, but knock things off the bookshelves. 

This sadly is not one of them. 

It’s disappointing because I love the composition, I have three recordings of it, and none are really satisfactory.