How much reality do you really need?

The real question to the audiophile  is, “how much reality do you need” to enjoy your system? Does it have to be close to an exact match?  How close before your satisfied?  Pursuing that ideal seems to be the ultimate goal of the audiophile.
The element of your imagination has to come into the equation, or you’ll drive yourself mad.  You have to fill in part of the experience with your mind.
But this explains the phenomenon of “upgraditis.”
How much __________(fill in the blank)  do you need? Its the age old question. A Billionaire needs more $$$. A man with a gorgeous wife cheats on her with a  woman who's looks are nowhere close to looking as good as the wife. A man has a beautiful car which does 0-60 in 4 seconds and top speed of 180+ is out looking for a faster or different car. Familiarity breeds Contempt!! Its the nature of man to want more or different. Why would Hifi be any different?
Just FYI, "reality" is not really my jam.

I don't like concert like volume in my living room.

I do like space, room acoustics, imaging, and a neutral tonal balance.

I like a room that is well controlled so my brain doesn't have to work hard to ignore the reverb in the room.

Since I don't play at concert levels, but I do like to hear it all one could argue I'm going to get a different tonal balance than recorded.  Fletcher-Munchausen (grin) and all that. :)