Even when everything is perfect, many a track, analog or digital, is slightly off and a very small balance tweak can make a surprising improvement, to both imaging and individual instrument/voice distinctions.
I love my Chase Remote Line Controller RLC-1, it's remote volume and remote balance a wonderful thing! None for low price now it seems.
S/N 120 db, no one can tell if it is in or out, I just went thru the same in/out listening process when I bought my Oppo CD player, and it just invisibly does it's thing. Intellectually, I want the simplest chain, but functionally, at no detriment, I'd be crazy to deny myself remote balance.
It's good you know the system, the problem is only somewhere in the TT path.
It might be anti-skate as you suspect,
doubt it's VTA causing balance issue no matter what thickness LP is.
Could be a cartridge pin wire, DIN pin, rca jack, cable. Tedious, but get a piece of paper, draw the path, check/change only one thing at a time,
buy one of these, helps with cartridge alignments,
and, for left/right balance: is it my anti-skate???? the smooth side will definitely let you SEE the effect of anti-skate adjustments as you make it. Spin manually, watch, adjust, spin, couldn't be easier.
After a week, re-check, is the arm holding it's tracking and anti-skate settings? That's why I prefer the dangling weight, pure gravity.
this LP (get the CD also) side 2, tracks 2 and 3, (you hear all 3 guitarists on those 2 tracks), it is my final anti-skate tweak, very revealing.
I love my Chase Remote Line Controller RLC-1, it's remote volume and remote balance a wonderful thing! None for low price now it seems.
S/N 120 db, no one can tell if it is in or out, I just went thru the same in/out listening process when I bought my Oppo CD player, and it just invisibly does it's thing. Intellectually, I want the simplest chain, but functionally, at no detriment, I'd be crazy to deny myself remote balance.
It's good you know the system, the problem is only somewhere in the TT path.
It might be anti-skate as you suspect,
doubt it's VTA causing balance issue no matter what thickness LP is.
Could be a cartridge pin wire, DIN pin, rca jack, cable. Tedious, but get a piece of paper, draw the path, check/change only one thing at a time,
buy one of these, helps with cartridge alignments,
and, for left/right balance: is it my anti-skate???? the smooth side will definitely let you SEE the effect of anti-skate adjustments as you make it. Spin manually, watch, adjust, spin, couldn't be easier.
After a week, re-check, is the arm holding it's tracking and anti-skate settings? That's why I prefer the dangling weight, pure gravity.
this LP (get the CD also) side 2, tracks 2 and 3, (you hear all 3 guitarists on those 2 tracks), it is my final anti-skate tweak, very revealing.