Revel F208s, F52s or Nola Contenders?

Looking for under $6K speakers. Currently have Silverline Sonatina IIIs which sound very good, but have issues with disappearing. Room is 15 x 22 with 10 ft ceilings. System is Wyred 4 sound DAC2 DSD into Cary SLP98 F1 direct coupled to Manley Snappers. Au24 SE interconnects and speaker cables.
I've never heard the Nola Contenders. I've owned F52s and F208s. F208s disappear better, have a bigger soundstage, little cleaner and are more dynamic. F52s have tighter bass and are a warmer sounding speaker.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, most speakers don't disappear. There's always going to be some tell that gives them away. If you close your eyes long enough, can you point at where you think the speakers are and upon opening your eyes, find out you're off a bit?

If so, then I'd turn to treating your room since it's big enough already to accomplish the disappearing trick.

I believe it's due to room interaction as I've only witnessed (no pun intended) the effect in properly set up rooms. Also, you need not spend a small fortune to tame the sound. If you're close enough to someone who you trust, say, an audio salon owner, have him come over and get his/her take on speaker placement.

I say this as I've been over at an owner's home and it seemed to not be the best place to audition (odd shaped room, lots of windows) and yet it was the best 3D presentation I've heard, bar none. When I asked him about it, he said it was by trying different locations until he found the best place.

Easy, peasy.

All the best,
Thank you Nonoise, Ricred1 and Zd542. I do not for certain know that the speakers are at fault. I have contacted several dealers when asking the same question as posted here, and all stated that the Silverlines sound more "boxy" than these others.

I will say, that these speakers respond to every minimal change I have made in my system, and therefore could be used as refs when auditioning amps, preamps, cables etc.
Have you considered Bryston Middle T or Golden Ear Triton 1?
I'm looking at these and Revel 208 to get a little more horsepower for Zeppelin, etc.
They all appear to be ass kickers...