How many of you own an audiomods tonearm?

I received my series 6 arm a week ago and I'm stunned..
Jeff Spalding crafted something marvellous and I wonder how many more here have had the opportunity to try/ listen/ own one ?? ( what ever series)
Build quality is .. 
It's all plastic on the gr .. the housing is a plastic can everything inside the can is more plastic, the pivot is plastic. 
All but the tube .. 
So yes the old mk2 tonearm is better! 
The platter and engine is way better on GR than mk2 .
@iseland ,

I use Audiomods Series V w/micrometer and silver wiring on my Sota Nova VI, along w/ Dynavector XX2mk2. It's pretty great, but if it wasn't 3 months turnaround(across the pond shipping twice) on upgrade to Series VI, I'd sure like to do the upgrade. The cost is very reasonable for both upgraders and new buyers. Cheers,