Vinyl...should I stay, or should I go?

I've sort of hit a crossroads and have decided to part with my turntable, all accessories which go with the turntable, and my record collection. However, before parting ways with my analog gear I wanted to gather some feedback and make sure I've given vinyl a fair shake.

My setup is a VPI HW-19: a Zorin tonearm and a Dynavector 17dx cartridge, with a Manly Chinook phono-stage, It plays through Primaluna dialogue Pre amp and amps. The speakers are Goldenear Reference. 

Confession, despite this setup, I've mostly streamed Roon music through an ultraRendu into a ModWright oppo 205. It's just recently I decided to give listening to vinyl a try. I'm pretty much a novice to the finer points and nuances of getting the best out of vinyl.

Experience: I'm finding the streaming music seems to be more centered with a deeper and more textured soundstage. When I stream, no matter what era the music is from, the singer/music is front, center, deep and wide. On the other hand, the last couple of records I've tried. A very old and somewhat used Alan Parsons Project lp and Jim Croce, Don't Mess around with Jim 180 gram lp, have not presented the same quality soundstage. In fact, in both cases while much of the music is centered, the singer's voice is coming mostly from the left side (speaker). Also, I'm finding the bass to be lacking. Last night in a side by side comparison, I was taken aback by how much better sounding was the streaming music.

Question: Is this typical of vinyl or is there something in my setup (again I'm a novice) I'm overlooking? With all this said, any advice on what to check or look for would be much appreciated. I'm not trying to start a debate about the merits of vinyl vs. streaming. I'm really just trying to find out if what I'm experiencing is typical of the vinyl experience or if there's something I should be correcting before pulling the plug and selling off the analog gear. Thanks
A truly great turntable like TW Acoustic AC3 with TW10.5 arm and Transfiguration  Proteus cartridge and TW RPS 100 phono stage will blow away digital I have a Esoteric 03XD which is one of the best.Any great turntable (VPI etc)set up correctly should always sound better than streaming or digital.Well that my take whatever you do enjoy.
Digital is far easier to deal with and many do not like the PITA records can be. If your collection is not all that large or it is worn you might as well recover what you like in files with the money you make selling the vinyl rig. Your turntable and phone stage are very reasonable. If Digital sounds better to I do not think vinyl will up stage it without spending a lot more money. I use both but I have a collection of thousands of pristine records many of which are not available in digital. So, I am bound to continue. I couldn't stop if I wanted to. I've been spinning records since I was 4 years old. Old habits die hard.
You're vinyl equipment should be capable of outstanding performance.  Not all albums are top notch, but with a good LP, and proper setup, your vinyl should be singing to you.
Sounds like a set-up problem.

For a simple VTA test as far as the lacking bass goes place a thin LP under the LP you play (reset/adjust the tacking force) and see if this helps.

If it does report back to receive further advice from the forums.

If it does not then look into cartridge loading.
