LG Electronics will stop making cell phones with DAC 'S built in!!!!!!

Guy's LG Electronics will stop making Cell phones. as some of you may not know, They produced a line of phones that had built in DAC'S. the models was LG V20, which I have and sounds very good!!! and the LG V 50 and the LGV 60 that will support TIDAL'S MQA. I have seen prices as low as $69.00 !!! good to have to stack music on!!!
I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight. First Kim broke up with Kanye and now this. I’m devastated!!!!
I buy a new phone every year. Never a LG.. Don:t know what I'm not missing.
They do, or did, make phones.  The predecessor to their current lineup used a high quality DAC and got reviewed in Stereophile.  At the time I needed a new phone and I was interested in getting a quality portable music player.  I was looking at the usual suspects such as Astell and Kern but I didn’t want to have to carry 2 portable devices , a separate headphone amp, etc.  The LG played Hi Rez files, and because it’s Android you can store up to 2TB of files on the SD Card and not have to faff around with and external HD.
  The screen is eye popping-the same OLED as LG TVs.  And it’s fast-downloads virtually instantaneous.  Camera was a huge improvement over the iPhone 6 that was my previous phone.
  Biggest negative-BT pairing.  Second biggest-try to find one.  After the Sterephile review the Verizon people stared blankly when I asked about it.  Eventually I procured one.  I had the same salesman 2 years later when I got the new one and he said I was the only LG customer he ever had.
  I did connect it to my preamp a few times by a mini cable to compare how it sounded to my regular components.  It held its own but it obviously wasn’t going to compete against a $5K DAC and associated transports, and of course there is the inconvenience of having the phone tethered to your system.
  I wonder why LG didn’t try to market it more in the audiophile community after the Stereophile review
I was in a Best Buy yesterday and asked about the LG phones out of curiosity and was told that they were not reliable and one of the worst phones built. Maybe too much effort went into the DAC?