vinylshadow, There will be no stability problems with Townshend. The best by far but also most expensive will be to put the turntables on Townshend Platforms or Podiums. Either one will be a superb base for a turntable. But you will probably be able to get almost as great performance for a lot less money from 4 Pods.
The way the Pods work the top part is threaded into a plate on the top of the spring. The plate is very secure and so anything treaded into it will move and be isolated but will also be stable. It will move freely but not fall over. This will be the killer performance value way to go. Podiums or Platforms will be even better but maybe not quite as good a bargain. Unless of course you value the looks of one over the other, looks do count for something you know.
The stone bargain in cheap is Nobsound. These should also be stable enough but there is a simple solution in case you are still worried. Simply take some nice looking wood, acrylic or Corian and make your own bases for the springs. The springs fit perfectly into 1/4" holes. Do a test to see how many springs you will need, then cut your pieces to 3" or so diameter to be however stable you want, drill em and put together.
I have done this to make extra ones from my leftover springs. Works great. These are not as good as Townshend. Not even close. But incredibly good for the money, so good there is nothing to recommend above Nobsound until you make the big jump in both price and performance to Townshend.
The main drawback to Nobsound is the lack of damping. Townshend has this dialed in. So with Nobsound a lot more depends on how willing and good you are at tweaking, experimenting, trial and error. Townshend are set and forget, once level you are done.
The way the Pods work the top part is threaded into a plate on the top of the spring. The plate is very secure and so anything treaded into it will move and be isolated but will also be stable. It will move freely but not fall over. This will be the killer performance value way to go. Podiums or Platforms will be even better but maybe not quite as good a bargain. Unless of course you value the looks of one over the other, looks do count for something you know.
The stone bargain in cheap is Nobsound. These should also be stable enough but there is a simple solution in case you are still worried. Simply take some nice looking wood, acrylic or Corian and make your own bases for the springs. The springs fit perfectly into 1/4" holes. Do a test to see how many springs you will need, then cut your pieces to 3" or so diameter to be however stable you want, drill em and put together.
I have done this to make extra ones from my leftover springs. Works great. These are not as good as Townshend. Not even close. But incredibly good for the money, so good there is nothing to recommend above Nobsound until you make the big jump in both price and performance to Townshend.
The main drawback to Nobsound is the lack of damping. Townshend has this dialed in. So with Nobsound a lot more depends on how willing and good you are at tweaking, experimenting, trial and error. Townshend are set and forget, once level you are done.