Cary Audio

i have been looking for a hi Quilty Tube PreAmp to bring New Life into my older 1990s audio system Mainly My Krell KSA 150 Amp Into a Plinius 16 Preamp  VPI  T/T Soundstage Cart  and my Power Hungry  Thiel speakers  i was looking  at Cary SLP-05  I went looking on & was told they SOLD OUT To a Now Poor Quilty  Build & For $ 4K i could do so much better Please  Need HELP   Lost In Space
Hello i  started looking on line  other search engines i came across   us tube     audio  they do financing so i called i this guy  who email me as well to look into  aylon tube  pre amps  as the best way to go  Before telling me Cary  is full of complaints 7 everyone is jumping ship  Hey what do i know . I have an older set of Thiel 3.6 speakers & was told that after founder & designer Jim Thiel Died so went his company
@geleary123 I just went to Cary Direct, Shopping Cart, shows the SLP-05 in stock.

Did you answer the question @dill asked above, who told you that?

Cary has primarily gone to direct sales, so I would guess they are getting bashed by some disgruntled former dealers.
The SLP-05 is an incredible sounding preamp and the most transformative upgrade I have ever made in my system.  
Cary direct does sell them but I was able to order it through my Cary dealer to work in a trade piece.