Do I NEVER shut it off…?

Gryphon says in the instruction manual to leave the amp on. (Diablo 300) 

It sounds amazing and never shuts down, but gets almost too hot to touch on certain parts of the side heat syncs. 
Really…? Leave it on all the time…?

What do you guys think…?

Thank you…!
posts06-12-2021 4:49pm’I leave the main power switch on but put my Diablo 300 into standby as recommended by Gryphon (either by remote or front touchpad) when I’m done for the nigh’

That makes perfect sense. @jomohifi were you aware that your Diablo has a standby mode?
this is my response in these power on threads.  
i have a couple amplifiers that are over 30 years old.  i always power down when not in use.  they still sound great today, even after a short warmup.  
i do this with my newer amps and preamps too.  
would my 30 year old amps sound this good today if they had been powered on continuously for the past 30 years? 
dont know, dont need to. 
Word of mouth/grapevine says the Hugarian made  Qualiton tube amplifiers are fabulous. More expensive than Quicksilver and Raven Audio though. Maybe different levels of performance to explain higher cost.
Up to now, I’ve been following the instructions  and using standby mode if I’m away all day. The amp sounds so amazing on a cold start as well as being on all day… maybe just a little more mellow when warmed up. I’ve only had it a few weeks and only get the weekends to really give it a spin around the block. I feel like the amp is thinking about the music - giving equal measure some of the time…while other times holding back on the boomy bass and articulating clean vibration…at the same time keeping highs like warm honey…never shrill or painful…and presenting this amazing full spectrum of sound that I feel in my nasal passages and my gut at the same time. Slap, Boom & Sizzle… Combined with the SF Serafino’s… I feel like I’m being lured into heaven by Darth Vader who’s been abusing steroids and testosterone and a gorgeous Venice Canal Riva Boat leading me to Cipriani’s for that perfect Bloody Mary…!

Cheers to all for a sound weekend…!