Up to now, I’ve been following the instructions and using standby mode if I’m away all day. The amp sounds so amazing on a cold start as well as being on all day… maybe just a little more mellow when warmed up. I’ve only had it a few weeks and only get the weekends to really give it a spin around the block. I feel like the amp is thinking about the music - giving equal measure some of the time…while other times holding back on the boomy bass and articulating clean vibration…at the same time keeping highs like warm honey…never shrill or painful…and presenting this amazing full spectrum of sound that I feel in my nasal passages and my gut at the same time. Slap, Boom & Sizzle… Combined with the SF Serafino’s… I feel like I’m being lured into heaven by Darth Vader who’s been abusing steroids and testosterone and a gorgeous Venice Canal Riva Boat leading me to Cipriani’s for that perfect Bloody Mary…!
Cheers to all for a sound weekend…!
Cheers to all for a sound weekend…!