Do I NEVER shut it off…?

Gryphon says in the instruction manual to leave the amp on. (Diablo 300) 

It sounds amazing and never shuts down, but gets almost too hot to touch on certain parts of the side heat syncs. 
Really…? Leave it on all the time…?

What do you guys think…?

Thank you…!
Yes and yes. People have the perception that heat is the enemy of electronics. They are only partially correct. The enemy of electronics is the heating and cooling cycles. This creates the expansion snd contraction of electronic components that will creat micro cracks and eventually lead to failure. Quality manufactures use components that are made for their heat ratings. I am running an old sansui 7070 in my wife's business. Other than power outings it has not been shut off for 26 years. I run class A mono blocks and yes they get very warm. When I am done listening I put a box fan on them. Don’t feed into the so called “green” crowd. Each on of my amps running all year costs less than their idle Prius charger hanging on the wall costs them for one month.
Each on of my amps running all year costs less than their idle Prius charger hanging on the wall costs them for one month.

An idle Prius charger draws less than two Watts. Your box fan uses a lot more power than that, let alone any amp that needs to be cooled down by one.

I admit that I will occasionally leave my Pass XA60.8s powered on over night if I’m planning a critical listening session the next day, but generally switch them to standby when I’m not listening. But I had to call you out on your rediculous statement.

You guys are so snarky and mean to each other… 
I feel like Scarlet O’Hara trying my best to rely on the kindness of strangers.

I love all the helpful comments…and we’re all a little nuts here…(at least that’s what my wife thinks)… I’m inclined to agree with her….!!

Have a great Sunday…and don’t worry… I promise not to burn down my house or short change my Prius or fry eggs on my amp… (maybe heat up a burrito…!)


You might want to re-watch that one.

Frankly, my dear, etc, etc. 

Then watch A Streetcar Named Desire, where Blanch DuBois says, "Whoever you are I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."