I had a few drinks and bought some speakers, I've now sobered up

Ok, so I purchased some Sopra 2's two weeks back and was throughly excited to own them. They came in a few days ago and look just beautiful. The problem is, I don't feel like sonically they are that much "better" than my 1028's. Visually I'd take the Sopra's any day. Sonically they sound good but:

 Sopra 2's sound (too) laid back compared to the 1028. I'm honestly perfering the 1028's as they have snap and feel a little more in your face. The higher mid bass frequencies feel better blended with the upper frequencies. 

The upper frequencies did feel harsh at first but settle down and some placement helped satisfy that. But it still it doesn't feel blended. The top frequencies are more clear and the mid bass is more pronounced and clear, but not as blended. 

I'm listening to punk, classic rock and experiential music and feel the 1028 is the better performer. I feel wrong for saying it, but it's true. Any help or advice or are these to be put up for sale as I'm expecting?

(Gear: PL Dialogue Premium pre/power, Clearaudio Concept Wood, Hana EH, Musical Surroundings Nova III, nice cables. 13x9 small bedroom with first reflection treatment)
I wouldn't jump to conclusions until you have done your due diligence with spkr placement.  Although there are similarities with the 1028/38, I would bet placement may be different from previous spkrs.  Placement is absolutely critical if you want to get the best out of a spkr. 

They may end up not to be to your liking, which is totally fine and or these may not play well in your room (which is probably the one of the most significant influences in the entire rig).  Have a few more drinks and find something else :)
@millercarbon  I couldn't read any more after the BBQ and porter. My attention has been diverted
I've waited awhile before coming back.

Hope my original post- ." To my ears, not a groundbreaking upgrade, but certainly a move up. Sopra huge upgrade in aesthetics. Great looking speaker."  wasn't an influence! 

I believe once yours ears adjust to the "Focal sound" it now is a preference of original  Ginsu knife I or Ginsu knife II. 

I hear the Focals laser precise, but still convincingly entertaining with Nordost cable. Yeah- the ol speaker cable as tone control tweak.  

I believe once yours ears adjust to the "Focal sound" it now is a preference of original Ginsu knife I or Ginsu knife II.
Nice to know I'm not the only cutlery enthusiast here to appreciate the finer points of Ginsu.
@tablejockey definitely very true and honest. Very strong upgrade, but not groundbreaking. Can it honestly be groundbreaking from each of those levels though? 

There was definitely some sharpness at first, but the Sopra's did settle down. Detail is definitely a step up. Focus is tamed with some treatment readjusting and placement. But, I think what actually tamed everything was going from kt120's to kt120's. Extension needed to be calmed in my small room and kt120's solved it. Wish I could say it was my idea (thanks Kat!) 

In conclusion, Sopra's are staying. And to all you newbies like me, chill out, calm down, and let things marinade before you up and sell.