Why don't more recordings have soundstage outside of speakers

I always enjoy it when the recording has mixing that the instruments are well outside of the speakers.  I think it's really cool and what justifying spending extra dollars for the sound.  I just wish more recordings would do that.  Most of them would just have the sound from in between the speakers.

What are some of your favorite recordings that have an enveloping soundstage well outside of the speakers?
pragmus and anyone else who thinks stereo systems should image outside of the loudspeakers:
You ability to determine where a sound is coming from depends mostly on where the loudest sound in coming from and the delay between getting to one ear to the other. If you do not agree with this you can stop right here.
The volume of the sound coming from a point source speaker decays at the cube of the distance. If you do not agree with this you can also exit here.
Your science is staggering!

Your ignorance also!

You are like first of the class that learned the formula by heart without knowing what they means concretely...

You forgot to experiment with anything save an electronical equalizer tool...

Acoustic is not about volume only but about timing of different volume and frequencies....Acoustic is about the GENESIS of TIMBRE and IMAGING linked together....The 2 are not reducible to playing with frequencies only....REAL TIMING in the room with EARS is necessary...

Not only timing for the room specific character but for the ears/head/brain located in the room not in a millimeter location but in a location stretching for the size of an head.... Then forget microphone feedback selected frequencies for a millimeter ONLY if their value can be useful... Out of this millimeter range the response is gone AMOK....

Acoustic is about diffusion....

Diffusing the right frequencies , damping some others....Not only by acoustical panel surfaces on walls but with Resonators that can do the TWO functions at the same time....Yes the 2 functions at the same time....

Acoustic is about MARKING OUT the 2 first wavefronts coming from EACH speaker for EACH ears and timing the 2 wavefronts in relation with the head distance....

How to mark out the wavefronts for each ear?

Using resonators near the driver of one speaker and resonators near the tweeter of the other speaker.... With asymmetrical resonators located at first reflecting point GUESS WHY?

If you cannot guess why and agree with it you can also exit here and stay with your pityful sound between speakers thinking that must be so, because the user manual of an electronical equalizer said so....

I guess you was first of your class when young... 😊

I was last but was accepted to top college without the usual good grades...

I was accepted to doctorate also without having complete a first year of university....I am creative not a sheep...

 I am tired of your rant against evidence and against everybody testimonies here...And your dismissing of anything that is out of the orthodox and any experiments...

All the people enjoying sound filling the room are not in an hallucination but they are wiseful enough to use other ways than electronical equalization for solution to all acoustic problem.... Then dont give them lesson...Listen first....

Try to buy a book about acoustic, i will send you one free (800 pages) if you send me your mail....

Begin with this short video of an acoustician saying what i try to say to you for almost months now:

Room Correction Deception:


Electronic equalization is not a solution ONLY a secondary tool in acoustic...

Helmholtz resonators grid are PART of the room....
The fundamental question I have is that if the original recording only mixes the soundstage within the speaker boundary, then can your system playback have a soundstage that is beyond the speakers?
Pragnmus, what are you talking about. I mention the delay. It is not as important for localization as relative volume. Studies have confirmed this and you can prove it to yourself with one control. The one that says "Balance"

With a system that really images you will have to make small adjustments in balance with most records. Like 0.5 dB or so. 
@sounds_real_audio , you are absolutely correct, most speaker do suck even the better ones. 

Andy2, You can by reflecting sound off the side walls. The reflected sound can throw instruments that are hard left or right beyond the speaker. This is a distortion and a sign of poor system/room management. This is not to say that the ambience in the recording can not seem to come from everywhere, it frequently does. The ambience is at a low level to start with and in the smaller rooms we listen in the reflected sound can compete with sound coming directly from the speakers creating the sensation of venue ambience. Very cool.