Raven Blackhawk LE... am I going to be disappointed?

Only reason I ask is because it will be pushing Salk Veracity Ht2-TL’s...  Im coming off a Belles Aria, which was fantastic, but wanted to try something different.  My concern is the low wattage of the Raven and low sensitivity of the salks, but my Belles 75 watts sounded better than 3 other nice 225 watt integrateds.  
So, anyone with experience with the Raven Blackhawk LE pushing somewhat low sensitivity speakers chime in and let me know.  

Sorry to hear of damage to unit but it appears to be phenomenal even before burn-in...

Ugh! That is a shame. But even beat up it sounds wonderful?
Perhaps when you get that mess straightened out and hopefully receive another that the FedX gorillas didn’t throw around like an old tire, it may sound even better!
Please keep us updated.
I believe the Kinki to be my next eventual purchase.
Post removed 

When you get the damage issues resolved with FedEx I think you will really enjoy the M1.  I am using an M1+ in one system and a Supratek Chardonnay and an EX-M7 in another.  Both are great amps with similar sound.  Both of my units came last summer and don't really remember who delivered them but I thought it was DHL and both units arrived in pristine condition.  If you bought factory direct have you reached out to Ken or Alvin?