Why aren't there more women on audiophile forums?

I've seen this question bandied about on forums frequently. Here's a long analysis of the subject matter.  For those going to the beach and needing a read, the whole dissertation is available for download.

"Masculinity and gear fetishism in audio technology community discourse"
Annetts, Alex (2015)
Doctoral thesis, Anglia Ruskin University.

"This thesis is a study of audio technology community discourse and its historical features. I contend that the audio technology domain is fundamentally exclusive and hierarchically stratified, based on discursively inscribed prerequisites to participation and enunciation, notably a hegemonic masculine performance, gear fetishism and the articulation of technical knowledge.

I show that communities organised around audio technology, socially construct and perpetuate these features as components of their respective discourses. I expose all three elements to be rooted in culturally embedded gender stereotypes, dating back to a nineteenth century dichotomy of public and private space.

I present a deconstruction of the complex discursive performances of masculinity and offer opportunities for privileged masculine recordists to critically reflect upon their dominance and homogeneity within the domain as an original contribution to knowledge. In this endeavour, I investigate the emergence and development of exclusive tropes as components of audio technology culture, and demonstrate how they continue to be perpetuated in the face of both social and technological developments that offer possibilities to destratify the community hierarchy and enunciative function.

My methodology is based on a comparative discourse analysis of industry and academic texts, as well as the communities that surround and influence the construction of modern audio technology discourse. Case studies are conducted of two leading industry publications: Tape Op and Sound On Sound, and supplemented by an exploration of Women's Audio Mission. I combine these sources with interview material gathered from relevant industry professionals. In doing so, I observe how the audio technology community has maintained barriers to participation, often in the face of technological progress that offers supposed opportunities for democratisation. My work presents an argument against this notion, exposing the supposed democratisation as an illusion of accessibility and thus as mere massification."

Hilde, you and many of your gender very likely have a real life. The rest of us here have this and similar pursuits. Count your blessings. It’s nothing to be concerned about.though and only represents a way to have fun for many of us. You're very welcome to join in.

Post removed 
Speaking of the TSA, years ago, one progressive pundit was over in Europe and when preparing to board a flight, started to take off his shoes only to be stopped by their version of the TSA, who said, "You must be American, right?", laughed, and told him he could keep his shoes on.
Don't forget those TSA appointments came with that ever changing color level of threat assessment any time Bush came under fire. It always went up when he got in trouble.
Look! Squirrel!

All the best,
@tomic601 Balance, or rather fostering mutual understanding, is my aim. Most disagreements boil down to the definition of terms and the reliability of information. Once these are cleared up (which almost never happens, but we need to try), all that remains to divide us are temperamental orientation and intellectual capacity. And hey! We're all different in those respects, and an open society welcomes us all. Even in this often fractious forum, I'll bet 100% would reject communism, fascism, cult-of-personality authoritarianism, and probably monarchy too. Meaning we have a great deal more in common than otherwise, which I consider a fine start. 
hickamore, you have just made the list of people to be responded to never again. Or, if you prefer, ignored forevermore.