APL NWO2.5 ?

Though I'm not able to hear this player, I'm about to take the plunge......
Is it as good as some audiophiles claim ?

Aolmrd1241, we are talking about Printed Circuit Board versions of the DAC, not “modification versions”. Each of the DAC PCB versions was designed in order to accommodate new technologies available for improved digital signal processing. All APL products using tube output are completely re-engineered digital players from the power supply to the outputs using just the transport and the enclosure from the stock player. The original circuits are completely removed or bypassed.

Oh my goodness! I understand from my reading that the AKM Dac's were better than my Burr-Brown, but my player sounds fantastic! What I'm wondering is, will the better player(i.e., AKM's) make poorer recordings sound slightly better, or, just in comparison, the good recordings sound obviously better with the better player(i.e., AKM Dac's). In the latter case, it might not be quite as important-you know what I mean?
Having had both the Crystal DACs and the AKM DAC's - (probably about revision 7 on the "Rainwater scale"), my experience has been that after they break in, the AKM's are significantly, noticeably better on well-recorded music. More detail, slightly greater range and a more pleasing presentation. As far as poorly-recorded music, "garbage-in" is still going to result in "garbage-out" IMHO, no matter what player you use. The AKMs are just more revealing and I am definitely glad I did the upgrade.
With all this discussion of the number of different versions of the APL Denon 3910 there are out there, I think we should keep in mind that this indirectly illustrates one of the main advantages of doing business with APL. Alex's strategy has from the beginning been to keep making improvements to his basic design and offering them incrementally to his past customers who are willing to return their CDPs for upgrade. He even has located a vendor who makes a hardened case to facilate the shipping. In my mind, this incremental strategy is far preferable to the typical manufacture's strategy of designed obsolesence followed by new box replacement. Certainly, Alex's strategy has kept UPS busy shipping my Denon 3910 back and forth (five times by my count), but preserving my investment, while still being able to take advantage of new technology and component design, is by far a higher priority.

From a personal point of view, I own one of Alex's first APL Denon 3910s. (I owned the APL SACD 1000 prior to that).
And I have upgraded it every time Alex made a new improvement available. Most important to me was the last upgrade. This involved the addition of the linear power supply similar to that available in his Exoteric-based models. This was by far the single most dramatic enhancement to date. The result was so hugh that Alex renamed the upgraded Denon, the NWO 0.5. I know that Alex had only a limited set of parts available for this upgrade, and may not be accepting customers any more, but it illustrates how Alex's design strategy continues to evolve, all the way up to the state-of-the-art NWO 2.5 (for my money the best CDP currently available in the market at any price). For those who want additional information, I suggest you checkout the review I posted on Alex's web site. The link is as follows:


Pete Watt

All I know is that I have owned over 50 high end digital players, when I receive my NWO, I am DONE, SMILING, HAPPY< and content. End of journey. Thanks be to god.

Smilin out