Help with first cable upgrade.

I have a Musical Fidelity v-150, rotel rp-3000 turntable and an old Sony CD player.  I have 2 sets of speakers B&W CM2's and JM Lab chorus floorstanding speakers I may have to part with due to space.  My power cables and interconnect cables are cheap stock.  My speaker cables are a 20 year old or so set of MIT shotgun cables.  Any recommendations for budget friendly cables that may help the bass or soften the brightness of my system?  Thanks.
You were right mesch.  I listened to both the Toshiba and Sony S700 all day yesterday and the Toshiba sounded better to me over the course of the day.  I was actually surprised that I could discern such a difference between the two.  The Toshiba was fun to listen to with almost everything I played while there were a few cds that were difficult to get through using the Sony.  The greatest example was Brian Ferry of Roxy Music and the song Love is a Drug.  That CD sounded awesome in the Toshiba but intolerable in the Sony.  Vocals were so shrill on the Sony I couldn't get through it.  Don't know I would have noticed  as much if I wasn't listening to them head to head.  Should have done this years ago.  While I do think the Sony is more of what I would describe as detailed, that detail turns out to be what I'm finding as bright, so maybe just more detailed in the upper realm.  Not sure I'm even describing it correctly but the Toshiba was the clear winner for me.  Thanks for all of the suggestions.  I'm getting excited about little tweeks now that I know I can identify them.
Yes, often brightness is heard as detail until after some time listening it is heard for what it is. Listener fatigue sets in.

Though I believe the Loki is a good device and has a place in some systems, in your case I believe you should save your funds for a new CD player when the Toshiba no longer serves. Purchase one with digital output such that a DAC could be used as an upgrade should you desire. This a subject for another discussion down the road.    

"While I do think the Sony is more of what I would describe as detailed, that detail turns out to be what I'm finding as bright, so maybe just more detailed in the upper realm. Not sure I'm even describing it correctly but the Toshiba was the clear winner for me. Thanks for all of the suggestions"

Good work !   
I want to follow up after trying some new cables that were provided by a fellow poster.

I replaced a pair of stock interconnects with Blue Jean LC-1's and a stock power cable with a Cobalt Cable power cord.

After much swapping of cables, there was a noticable difference with almost all of my digital music.  While subtle, there was definitely (to my ears) a less sharp edge to some tracks that I found a little painful with the stock cables.

The most noticable difference, however, was found by accident.  I was turning up the volume on a disc (with the stock power cord) but had yet to hit play so I was only hearing (what I assume is the electrical signal/hiss/distortion whatever.)  I decided to do the same thing with the new cord and there is definitely less noise at the same volume level.  I don't know technically what I'm no longer hearing at the same degree but I have to assume that this translates in the music as well?  I will be replacing all of my power cords and interconnects in the near future as I'm a believer that an improvement can be had without a fortune being spent.  Thanks to all for your recommendations and sharing your personal experiences.
I’m a big fan of power cords so that’s a valid choice.  Quickest bang for the buck is still the Loki for sure. Power cords are fun but it’s hard to find good ones for the price of a Loki. Ice Age is the only company I can think of whose best cables are in that range. Most other companies price their really good cables in higher price tiers. Do think about upgrading to a transport or streamer that can use an external DAC like others have said. That’s when the fun starts.