What process did you use to integrate multiple subwoofers for 2 channel listening?

Today I will be trying to integrate up to three subs. Two are matching Rythmiks F12SE, and one is a REL R-328. The Rythmiks have a variety of adjustable parameters, including phase, crossover, and gain. There are other switches and passes on the sub, but I'm going to try to keep it basic to begin with. The REL has variable gain and crossover; the phase on REL is either 0 or 180.

I have REW for measurement. I will be buying a few more furniture sliders this morning, on doctors orders. ;-)

QUESTION: If you have multiple subs, by what process did you integrate your subs? One at a time? More? Which adjustments did you try first and in what kinds of increment?

I know that trial, error, measuring, and listening will all take time. Rather than look for a needle in a haystack, I'm curious what sequence or process was most effective for you.

Thank you.
@hleeid I'm convinced I'll do a DBA, I just can't do it yet. I'm in a temporary room and will probably be able to move to another but not for 5 years. This makes a DBA impossible. I'm doing my best to optimize with 3 subs. If that is still 1 card short of a full deck (i.e., crazy) then I'll realize that and in 5 years will be able to correct the issue by selling the subs used and going for an array. Given the wide range of controls on these Rythmiks, I'm hoping I can do pretty well until I get an array.

@jmalen123 and @powemi2 Thanks for the suggestion process for the low pass.
@mapman, thanks for the Ohm stuff. I'll take a look.

FWIW, here's what I was able to accomplish after 6 hours yesterday:

5db null at 33 hz
6db peak at 77 hz
5db null at 155hz
5db null at 174hz
9db null at 208hz
10db peak at running from 379-594 hz

I put the graph on my system page: https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/9064/edit

hilde45, if you really want to do this right you buy a digital preamp with digital bass management capability like the DEQX Premate or Anthem STR. You can set your crossover point and slopes independently then set delays so the subs match your main speakers in time and phase. Now you need only passive subs which opens up a whole range of DIY capability. You can actually build a better sub than a commercial unit because problems like shipping weight are no longer an issue. There are great sub drivers available. Otherwise you just bypass all the cheap front end garbage in the commercial subs and use just the amplifier section. But, outboard amps are much better. If electronics are so susceptible to vibration is putting the amp in a vibration machine a good idea?