What is the crossover point ?

What percentage of your net wealth invested in audio equipment is the crossover point from being an audiophile to being certifiable?

People I know keep asking me this question, although it is always cleverly disguised.

Why would a car price be a line? Some people have no interest in cars other than to get them from here to there and buy cheap ones. Some very wealthy people in large cities don't even own cars.

This is one of those questions that seems interesting on the surface but when you really think about it has no answer. To me the line is if you are going into debt and/or spending money that should going towards basic needs and/or retirement then you are spending too much on it.

Assuming you only use disposable income and you never buy on credit, there is no line. Spend away....
Dont you ever feel guilty about what you spend on this stuff? I do sometimes even though I can afford what I buy. I think compared to other 'hobbies' this is far more addictive, and the spending to improve increases exponentially.
Ah, grasshopper, I fear that the urge to torture ones self with this question -- to permit the natterings of the ignorant masses to cloud the purity of your noble purpose with doubt -- reflects only a self-defeating lapse in commitment on the path to enlightenment.

Or, if that nagging voice in the back of your head -- arguing that a pursuit of tweaky audio trinkets and baubles is causing a mission-critical neglect of the necessities -- is actually your own, then perhaps you should listen.

BS-light(er) version? If it's others trying to convince you to not be happy doing what makes you happy, screw'em. But, no, don't think any of this junk is worth going into debt over....