Can a Classe SSP replace a dedicated stereo pre?

Hi everyone! I appreciate the opinions and knowledge on this forum and I've been reading a while. 

I am looking to move laterally from a 2-channel setup to a basic 5.1 surround setup, as my listening does involve TV and movies. Most of my sources are digital.

My current setup involves a sabaj d5 DAC, a Modwright SWL 9.0se preamp, Odyssey Khartago extreme monoblocks, and some excellent DIY 3-way speakers.

I couldn't be happier with this for two channel listening. 

In my research for multichannel pres/avrs, I heard most people saying that the only ones that sound really good for stereo are ones made by Classe, Krell and Bryston within my budget. I'm really hoping to simplify my setup and not have to use ht bypass, switch between two preamps etc.

I've made an offer for a Classe SSP sigma. Do you think this could potentially replace my Modwright without losing much SQ?

Thank you!
I have a Classe SSP-800 and it is fantastic in 2 channel.
Read Robert Harley's 2008 review of the Classe SSP-800 and this review:hometheaterreview dot com/classe-ssp-800-av-preamp-reviewed/

However, my peripheral equipment is top of the charts so that is a contributing factor. But Classe makes fantastic processors.

I'd get an SSP-800 if you can. They are being sold for around $3000 or so on EBay. Best deal on the planet.
Thank you dmcneilr and vinylshadow! Your inputs help a lot. 

I have purchased a Sigma mk1 for now, if Classe is still offering upgrades I can try to get that done myself. 

Super excited, I am moving to a new rental and will try both my existing preamp and the Classe there!  
Bwguy! You are correct, it is a Wolfson! Too much audio pollution in my brain. I also agree with you in regards to it being a great analog preamp. Its hard to beat in digital bypass. Look at the THD numbers in digital bypass. Extremely low.  Akhi I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Sigma SSP's on the used market are a steal! Enjoy....
My only pause with Classe is their less than excellent service. They've transitioned ownership a couple of times recently. I had a CP700 pre that sounded fantastic. It needed warranty work. No power surge was noted. The unit needed a main circuit board and the touch screen replaced. I was the second owner. Classe demanded the original sales receipt before honoring the warranty. Through much pissing and moaning, I got Classe to honor the warranty. I wouldn't complain about this not being the original owner BUT, their are companies who will treat you like gold no matter what. Pass labs for one. They rebuilt an ageing X-1 preamp for me. I braced myself for the bill. $125.00!!! Pass's explanation; We don't believe in making money on repairs. We charge as little as possible to get the job done. I fully expected to shell out $1500.00 or so. (They replaced two boards and the display and fabricated a new box) I've said this here before. I need to say it again as such a company deserves to be heard time and again. Joe 
I’m running a Marantz 8805 with a Mc 8207 amp for music and movies. Music is quite good although I am curious if dedicated 2channel with a ht bypass would be a significant improvement.