Speaker in car boot on hot day

I'm very sorry for wasting your time with such a stupid question, I deep down know it's fine, but I just wanna be sure, I'm a little OCD, as you can probably tell.

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I drive this car: https://www.carsales.com.au/cars/details/2020-mg-mg3-core-auto-my20/SHRM-AD-6089752/?Cr=1

I bought this: https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/amazon-echo-with-alexa-gen-4-twilight-blue

I put it in the boot, which I believe is called a trunk in America. I didn't take it out of the box, or the bag. I did some other stuff after, so it was in there for about four hours. It seems like a fairly hot day today.

After doing a tiny bit of research, it seems like heat can damage a speaker. However, I'm too lazy to read the details, I'm sure it has to be in circumstances very different to this.

But just confirming, there's no chance it will make even a tiny difference to the sound, right? I mostly got it for the music.

Cross-link rubbers found in speakers melt at a very high temperature. If it is hot enough to melt your dashboard you need to worry. Otherwise there is no issue. 
Now the battery that is a different story. Heat can and will kill lithium batteries. 

You have likely damaged the kniffle bearings. 

Operator error-no warranty claim for you.
It will be fine. If not, bring it back to the store. Worst case, you're out $119. 
Closed car interiors often exceed the outside temp by 30F-50F after just an hours time.

This said, car speakers and stereo systems seem to survive such conditions.

I wouldn't sweat it.


Well one thing for sure, if when you hook em up it seems they sound a bit warmer, it's not your imagination.