Received a Bill for State Tax on An Amp Bought in Canada Last Year

Wow! The envelope said “Dept of Revenue” so I figured it may be my car tags due. I opened the envelope to find a statement that I owed $665 for “use tax” on an amp I bought last year in June.  Shocked is an understatement. Yes, I bought a used amp from a guy in Canada through A’gon. But I paid the tariff on it. Now they also want tax.  However, the amount they are basing it on is over double what I paid for the amp. But had to send it to Don Sachs for repair a few months later. So I wonder if they are seeing that as a separate purchase rather than a repair. They even charged me $43 interest which is more ridiculous IMO.
So the question...Are you required  to pay tax on a used amp or other used  items? Has anyone else encountered this? Yes, I know the states are cracking down on the sales tax. But on used items? Wow

I never figured out what these complainers of California are complaining about?

As a native who just doesn't give up on his great state,  you simply have to know what you doing here and how to do it. You also learn to deal with the homeless/ mental patients that are conveniently near your parked car.

Why on earth would I give up living in a beach  city with several used record stores within walking distance?
"As a native who just doesn't give up on his great state, you simply have to know what you doing here and how to do it. You also learn to deal with the homeless/ mental patients that are conveniently near your parked car."

That's a commendable attitude and I most certainly do not begrudge you in any way. 

  Isn't all this terrible left wing money grab the OP is talking about happening in the Good Ole Boy state of Tennessee?
Yep. You are right. The thing that eludes most of us is that we've been sold out by BOTH SIDES.  That has become very clear to me.

@grannyring  & @cleeds 
Indeed it is a "use tax" My question is if it applies to private sales. I think they saw a big # and a big payday for them. Oh well.
I just love the CA bashing from sour 🍇 folks.  
Just came back from San Antonio and Austin.  Never in my entire life have I seen that many homeless and crazies.  Not Oakland, not San Diego, not San Francisco. 
guess you’re weren’t smart enough to realize one of the URL’s I posted was from the official CA government page right?
I did, and it supports what I’ve already told you. Your comprehension needs lots of work. You originally stated that California’s homeless make up 1 in 4 of it’s residents. I was the one who pointed out that that number was in the nation.

And now, with no other recourse, you go and enact the "cancel culture" that your side invented by having my spanking of you deleted.
How wonderful.

By the way, what state do you live in?
What solutions do you have to handle homelessness in this country?


All the best,