Distributed Bass Array configuration

Please, I don't want to debate the merits of the DBA nor of those who espouse it. I am considering adding two more subwoofers to a system that has two already. To those who use a DBA,I am interested in how you have configured them, specifically--
  1. Do you run in mono, or do you split the array to run in stereo?
  2. What is your approach to setting phase (delay) among speakers that may be facing different directions and are different distances from the listener?
Great Mike, I recommend the Anthem all the time along with the Trinnov Amethyst and the DEQX units. I need to look into the MiniDSP units as they are even less expensive and seem capable. 

I have not heard your speakers but I am a big ESL fan. They are point source. I would add two more JL subs in the front corners. 80 Hz is fine, 24 to 48 dB/oct. 

The TacT has very proprietary circuitry. You really can not do anything with it. Shame what happened to it. I plan on getting the Trinnov but I won't like losing the dynamic loudness programming. 

If you can create separate target curves for the channels work on EQing the speakers so their frequency response matches perfectly 100 Hz to 10 kHz. You will like what happens to your imaging. You have to look at it with your measurement system. The room control programming will not do this. It is well worth the work. 
millercarbon I am afraid you are dead wrong in asserting time and phase do not matter. You are saying this because you have no control over them. If you did you would be piping a different story. Out of phase and time destroys bass transients like kick drums and thumbing bass guitar strings. If you had the ability to control phase and time you would know otherwise. 
@mijostyn - What ruled the Amethyst out for me was that it has a fan, which a couple of reviewers have reported hearing. In my very quiet room (~26 dBA SPL), any fan noise would be obtrusive. Since Trinnov is reputed to have the very best RCS, I wrote to them and asked if they might release a fanless version. They said no.