I second the sansui au717. Very good piece. Also, look for Coda gear, well made and built to last.
Good luck,
Good luck,
Recommended cheaper vintage SS Integrated Amps?
Sherwood made some really nice receivers, not sure if they manufactured integrateds. I had a S-8900 like this one. No affiliation. https://www.ebay.com/itm/333978516408?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&... |
Check out the Yamaha A-1000 (not DSP A-1000, that was a home theater receiver). It was their flagship integrated amp in the early eighties, and sounds excellent. It operates in pure class A up to 10wpc then slides into class A/B up to 120wpc into 8ohm thereafter. 4ohm stable. It was available in black or silver, and can be had for a fairly reasonable price. I believe I paid around $200 for mine five or so years ago. |
I really liked my Kenwood L-07 mono amps, but I'd hardly call them 'inexpensive' used. *G* As noted, there's a lot of new older integrateds but I've frankly never owned one so can't comment....but the $ for admission ought to . *S* I liked Marantz' older stuff, not so much the newer... Recapping generally a good idea, but.....🤔.... @nonoise ..."...some local hi-fi repair shops...." ?!#@*&$ What town/city/county/state of being do you live within? ....loco hifried refried despair stomps, Yes....with 'part-swappers' that if confronted with 'real problems' claim beyond restoration.... ....but May have something of interest which usually isn't.... (....nono must live in 'Big City'....J not live there....for good reasons...) |