How are you getting your surround sound?

I haven't paid attention to home theater in a long time so forgive me if this is a silly question. Is everyone still popping in a Blu-Ray disc to watch a movie if you're wanting to experience the latest in surround sound like Dolby Atmos, DTS, etc.? What are the ways you can get movies now with full audio formats encoded?
you have discrete multi-channel, plus object based multi-channel (Dolby Atmos type prscesses). they are different and need different tools to use.

then there are the media types.

--blue ray discs--Dolby Atmos
--4k blue ray discs----Dolby Atmos
--Roon/Tidal multi-channel music file streaming 
--Kaliedescape movie server
--streaming video; Netflix, Youtube, Amazon Prime, etc.
I have a older high end surround processor, with excellent speakers and amp. We stream through Apple most of the time, also Amazon, and Comcast. For the last few years streaming has been sonically equivalent to blu-Rays. We bought a few 4K disks and stopped. We are now getting rid of our thousand + disks. Take up too much space, and provide no added value.
Thank you for the responses. I assume "ripped" means it's still coming from a disc and ripped onto your PC/Harddrive for storage.
@ghdprentice when you stream through Apple and Amazon, are you able to get your movies with 4K video and discrete Dolby Atmos surround sound?