What system would a robot with ears buy?

We talk a lot about perception vs. specifications and the limits of popular measurements.

I’m wondering, if you are an audiophile who had no taste but was well read, especially with specifications, what kind of a system would you end up with?

We have to consider everything, including size and power efficiency. Could you even consider an amp that was not Class D? What would your streamer/amp be?

Would you consider thermal compression?

Would you go with high efficiency horns? Best bang per watt? So, a Class D amplifier with some horns? Perhaps a Klipsch Heresy?

Or would you attempt to get the lowest possible low frequency cut off?

As a counter point, maybe we should have a contest for which a'goner has the worst measuring system they listen to. I don't mean a boom box, I mean, do you have an obscure OTL amp with single driver speakers which combined measure like crap but you love to hear?
The robot would obviously buy from the top reviewed products of Stereo review and Julian Hirsch.

In that, according to the sceanrio set by the OP, we have to go with common knowledge... not leading edge lore that is still in evolution - and is unreal to the common field.

After all, it’s a numbers game.

"Check out your mind 
and don't be blind 
to the numbers game"
The robot would obviously buy from the top reviewed products of Stereo review and Julian Hirsch.

Hirsch had no ear at all.