Speakers as the principle component/other components are servants

Speakers  hold the Kingship in our overall  audio systems. 
I think my recent posts have substaniated  this thesis, well at least my opinion of sorts.
This OP  came to me after reading  through some of (most of what is too deep for my understanding) 
**Why is science a  starting point, yet not the end point?*
Meaning science gives us all sorts of parimeters, specs, graphs and such. Most of which we have no clue how to interpret, 
All we ae concerned is , **how does the speaker actually sound**.

Pedro suggests science has let us down, that science, if it was so intelligent, why can't science tell us which speaker is the superior and which the inferior sound???
Obvioulsy science is not the end all /be all.
Its only a  tool, human sensibilities come in  at the very end to say
or worse
I say nay
to all/eversy xover design in the fq's ,,ohh say 800hz = 15khz.
Yeah I know thats a  massive chuck of our music.
As many of you know i make very long winded posts 
But actually I reduce them to make them more readable and so folks don't lose  interest. 
~~~So cut to the chase.
We accept high tech in every aspect of our lives.
You name it, super high tech is there,. Had you told us back in 1965, folks would be walking around with telephones, sending pics/videos,,we'd all laugh you at your face  as scifi fantasy.

~~~Long story short.

The new  wide band /high sensitivity speaker technology. What gives?
Why the denial it exists?
Why the fear to inquisite?
Why the lack of interest?
Why the rejection?

Speakers  will crown your system with beauty Or else render it as distortion/low fidelity.

Tweak/,od/upgrade all you want, at how much you care to spend $$$$$ ($40K!!!) on cables etc. 
Ain;'t going to make hardly even a  miniscle gain in sonics, if the speakers are ~~faulty~~  due to  low sensitivity.
Bass woofers, I'll grant low sens Seas and Scaspeaks high end woofers  a  stunning succcess.
Above 800hz,  I have issues with any driver neededing a  xover.
I tag these fq's with xovers. The Wet Blanket sound. Sounds mechanical, like   compressed music,, comming from a  box.
Squeezed, contorted, tiny soundstage, strained fq's  if vol is over 10 oclock. = fatigue/Coloration  in abundance.  
Many fq's of the source, missing in action. 
I am not suggesting  these new wide band is for everyones taste. Not at all. Only that we should at least give these wide band a   consideration as a  possible alternative to our old  traditional ideas.

Inqusisitiveness is a good thing in  all things audio. 
Without  a  healthy  curiousity, we putrefy , stagnate.
 Even  Worse
we might miss out on the super high fidelty we all hope to hear one day in our systems by this neglect  of the new high technology in speaker design. . 


Yes , genius demands respect and dedication, Neither of which I can honestly say I;'ve lived up to this spirit. 
And paid dearly for  my crimes.

Now back to business of 
Is there such a  thing as a *objectivity  in judging  perforamnce ofa  speakers ability to sing high fidelity*?
 I want to  clarify something I wrote earlier,
1920's FC's are The Standard by which all speakers mids (800hzism = say 12khzish) are judged by.
I never said these remarkable speakers were the ultimate standard, even up to today.
I said these drivers established a  sort of general voicing of musical fidelity, making music feel alive with presence.
This old magical fidelity is now given a  *rebirth* in the new wide band designs. 

Thus we have these new wide band, based on the old FC's. as the New Standard of High Fidelity, A standard by which all xover /low sensitivity speakers must be judged by.

Of course you have the right to fully or partially disgree  with these strong  and firm  convictions upheld  by my experiences of recent months.

This is The 21st century, 1960's, 1970s are now longggg goneee.
this is The New High Tech Age. The door is wide open. The key that opens,  is a honest spirit of curiosity and adventure. 
 All seekers of super high fidelity , please will you not follow me through these  secret  doors to a  land of musical wonders and magical charms??
If you cannot hear a meaningful difference between a 6L6 a KT120, a single ended 45 or a single-ended 2a3, a KT88, 6550, a 300b, etc., either something is VERY wrong with the particular amps, the rest of the system, the room, or the ability of the listener to appreciate the sound of tube gear.  What is probably NOT the case is that there is something wrong with the speakers because sonic differences would be obvious with almost ANY speakers.  

I happen to like many higher efficiency speakers, including a few single driver full range systems, but I hardly would insist that this is the only way to achieve satisfying sound.  Also, there are plenty of differences between the low-powered amps that I favor.  I own three different tube amps, the highest powered amp is a parallel single-ended 2a3 amp, followed by a pushpull 349 amp, and then the pushpull 45 amp (sort of guessing the order of power output, but, I believe none of the amps are rated above 6.5 watts/channel).  They all sound good, they all sound quite different from each other, and to me, they all sound MUCH better than any KT88/120/150 amp I've heard.  
I don't   belive I will like SET's, Just a  good hunch.
Surea  SET tube is quite dif sonics/performance from the power PP tubes , this for sure. 
No doubt,. I was speaking of 
el34 vs kt88 vs kt120. 
In my limited experience, all 3 were very close. 
Tiny miniscule differences. 
That said i had a  set of Gold Lion Kt88's in my Defy 7 and quickly shipping them back fora  refund = a  20% restock fee anda  note from Vivatubes to shop elsewhere, as that was my 2nd return in 2 weeks. 
The 3 tube amps, perform quite  THE SAME.
Why so close?
Due to the Seas Thors low sensitivity not able to detect a  change in amps. 
= Low sens speakers  do not have the capacity to detect upgrades/tweaks, mods, with any  SIGNIFICANT (some sonic change can be herad, but you  have to STRAIN the ear, and takes some time to note the changes)  sonic differences


With a  high sensitivity speaker, , just swapping a  Mundorf EVO SilverGold to a  Supreme EVO SilverGold, you will note the  difference  in the amps sonics, via the highly sensitive speakers voicing character., Right away.
 Following me?.
Lets get off amps  sonics differences and stay with the main event, speaker designs. 
The Good, The  Bad The Ugly

As one who has done many mods/upgrades to gear, cabling and crossovers over the years, I can tell you the following comment is not necessary correct.
“Low sens speakers do not have the capacity to detect upgrades/tweaks, mods, with any SIGNIFICANT (some sonic change can be herad, but you have to STRAIN the ear, and takes some time to note the changes) sonic differences”

I suppose you need to define “low sensitivity”. If you define that as speakers in the 87-92 db range, then my experience is most definitely opposite of your statement.
I have also done the same sort of upgrades on systems and speakers with 92-97 db sensitive  speakers with very similar results. Not radically more noticeable as you are suggesting. Now perhaps you are talking about speakers with greater than 97db sensitivity? Not worked on such speakers to date. I rather doubt these extremely sensitive speakers would cause you to hear upgrades and tweaks more readily. It seems to me this is far more dependent on the quality and overall resolving nature of the gear and speakers. Speaker sensitivity, in and of itself, is not going to do it.
I can't follow the argument at all.  If making a cap change makes the differences in the amps very evident, how can you then say the amps all sound essentially the same?