If you cannot hear a meaningful difference between a 6L6 a KT120, a single ended 45 or a single-ended 2a3, a KT88, 6550, a 300b, etc., either something is VERY wrong with the particular amps, the rest of the system, the room, or the ability of the listener to appreciate the sound of tube gear. What is probably NOT the case is that there is something wrong with the speakers because sonic differences would be obvious with almost ANY speakers.
I happen to like many higher efficiency speakers, including a few single driver full range systems, but I hardly would insist that this is the only way to achieve satisfying sound. Also, there are plenty of differences between the low-powered amps that I favor. I own three different tube amps, the highest powered amp is a parallel single-ended 2a3 amp, followed by a pushpull 349 amp, and then the pushpull 45 amp (sort of guessing the order of power output, but, I believe none of the amps are rated above 6.5 watts/channel). They all sound good, they all sound quite different from each other, and to me, they all sound MUCH better than any KT88/120/150 amp I've heard.
I happen to like many higher efficiency speakers, including a few single driver full range systems, but I hardly would insist that this is the only way to achieve satisfying sound. Also, there are plenty of differences between the low-powered amps that I favor. I own three different tube amps, the highest powered amp is a parallel single-ended 2a3 amp, followed by a pushpull 349 amp, and then the pushpull 45 amp (sort of guessing the order of power output, but, I believe none of the amps are rated above 6.5 watts/channel). They all sound good, they all sound quite different from each other, and to me, they all sound MUCH better than any KT88/120/150 amp I've heard.