Most certainly not in that age group, nor am I left leaning in my political stance. I am decidedly non partisan. You however, sound like you don’t have a passport and have never left your own zip code, hence the regressive and ignorant viewpoints.
And yes, I was born and raised in Norway. Have lived both in Scandinavia and North America. Remember when the Cheeto in Charge wanted Norwegians to move to the US? He wanted the well educated, skilled and well to do people Norway had to offer? Yeah, they were not interested…
You are confusing something for communism. Do some research on the Scandinavian countries. That is what the “left” wants for America. Free education, free healthcare etc. Oh wait, that would require the ability to think outside of your own little box.
And, it’s people who live with the kinds of fears, paranoia and ignorance that the right preys upon. They know that there are large segments of the population who feel they have not been given their fair share. Entitlement is gross. Add being lazy to that, and you are ripe to be targeted for radicalization.