Funny, I have no trouble optimally positioning my subs in the room by ear, when utilizing the sub crawl method on each one sequentially, but I do have trouble optimally setting their phase by ear.
I found it was much easier to optimally set the group phase on my subs once I turned off my main speakers. The proper setting became much more obvious to me once I did this, I just set phase at the position at which the bass is slightly louder, more solid, more detailed and the most natural.
Another tip, which makes setting the proper phase on subs even easier to discern, is to temporarily invert the polarity on the main speakers (simply by reversing the positive and negative connections on each speaker's terminals), optimally set the phase control on the sub(s) and then swap the main speakers' connections back to normal.
This made a lot of sense to me once I learned that the phase and timing of sound waves are almost irrelevant on deep bass frequencies but critically important on midrange and treble frequencies. Humans are much less sensitive to sound wave arrival times on deep bass tones than we are on tones over about 80 Hz.