I forsee a career for mahgister selling herkimer diamond and tourmaline jewelry on Etsy!
I made sure in this post to describe one of my artefact like a bait for some fish brain to pick...Congratulations! You pick that instead of schuman generators.....I am not surprized....
But i will sell on Etsy instead Helmholtz resonators and diffusers grid by the way....Because they are more acoustically impacful than quartz and tourmaline effect and more impactful than S.G. ... And easier to sell to deaf ears or fish brain...Helmholtz being the founder of modern controlled room acoustic...
I am going to state the obvious. Our increased knowledge of how the universe works does not change how the universe works. Our understanding of the cause, does not change the effect. Our lack of understanding also does not change the effect.it is precisely why sometimes we are surprized by introducing in an audio system some new improbable or supposedly, at first sight, inactive or "useless" materials beside an electronic device, like shungite or quartz, then some known effect is resulting by modification of the cause by a free act of the experimenter, something is added to the "effect" coming from an addition or modification of the " cause"....This is called an experiment...And it is not always and necessarily a placebo....Contrary to the affirmation of simplistic brain...
And our understanding of causes anyway may change the effect, positively or negatively, read psychology about negative or positive cultural biases...
Our lack of understanding change the effect, look at cargo cult people waiting not for "plane"! but for gods....
And if you are inclined in science do yo know the experiment devised by Wigner in Q.M. called "Wigner friends" ? consult wiki...and read about " no-go theorem" in the wiki article about Wigner’s friend....
Contrary to what you just said Wigner was thinking that perhaps our increased knowledge may change the way the universe work if Q.M. worked...
An information conscious feed back can perhaps play a greater role in the universe working than the "materialist" think....
Then why adding a piece of shungite,like i experimented with for example, couldn't in any way worked, modifying the sound coming from an electronical designed piece of gear ? Why calling that a delusion? Why not calling it a real sound modification, negative or positive, that could be replicated ?
Only simpleton or ignorant or SUPERSTITIOUS mind describe reality by their decree or by ready made recipe or by their blind faith and never experimenting... Be creative....
Experimenting with something dont means that we negate the value of engineering scientific known recipes...save for zealot and fish brain....