Quantum Science Audio light blue fuse; $71, what a bargain!

I wanted to start a new thread about the more affordable versions of these fuses. I don’t doubt that the higher end versions are amazing, but most of us aren’t very likely to be able to hear them for ourselves. Fortunately, pretty much anyone who is serious about building a musically enjoyable and engaging system can get a good taste of what they’re all about.

I’ve had the light blue QSA fuses ($71) in my CD transport and DAC for over two weeks, now. They replaced SR blue fuses, at around twice the price, and easily bettered them. I am expecting one more light blue tomorrow, to replace an SR orange in my amp. I’ll give an update on that, once I get it installed and listen.

Meanwhile, here are a couple quotes from my posts on the other thread:

“What I am hearing is; voices & instruments are more solid and lifelike, with increased natural detail and sense of space, better dynamics, and a more relaxed overall sound.”

“Just got in a second light blue fuse for my DAC. So far, more of the same improvements I got in my CD transport. Very nice!😃 One thing I appreciate is the break in seems to be pretty quick, without any of the nasties you get with some other stuff. Pop it in, and you’ll hear improvements in short order, at least that’s been my experience.”

I am continuing to greatly enjoy what these fuses bring to my system, and am really looking forward to getting the last one in my amp.

@grannyring  Did you ever try an aftermarket fuse with the Truth preamp? I’m waiting to order one with mine.
Just got my Light Blue QSA fuses.
For sure, hard to imagine noticeable improvements with something as small and innocuous as a fuse.
But Tweek Geek and users do not exaggerate!
In a word: clarity.
Voices and instruments jump off the record and demand attention.
The performance of this little thing inspires me to return the Blue and order the Yellow. I have them in my mono blocks.
I love this forum and look forward to it every day.
It led me to my destination AGD amps, my Silversmith Fidelium speaker cables and now QSA fuses.

Come on guys, let’s give Georgie a break.
Don’t patronize me mate, you’re the ring leader for this AC fuse "snake oil" stuff.

And once again, just to give the "non technical" here a more technical view point from other side of the fence, instead of from the "snake oil" side.

To those "non technical" members that are interested.
Just clean and tighten your fuse holder and re-new your fuse (if old) with a good quality 50cent Bussman, Littlefuse or similar.
As with "many switch-on surges" they do deteriorate, bend, stretch and get crusty with electrolysis formations on their fusible wire elements before they give out, as these pics show of a fuse wire element ageing over time show. https://ibb.co/9NbTwqK
(even the $$$ boutique ones will age just as much also)

Cheers George

Hey, I thought I was the ring leader!
Ever notice no matter how many times one asks george to cite just what and where it is in that Electrical Engineering Law book of his that a fuse doesn’t have an effect on the sound and all he does is recite what he, personally wrote, over and over and over again.

No one is buying what you’re selling, george.

All the best,