Step up transformer or upgrade phono preamp?

So I’m looking to further develop my analog system. I currently have a vpi Aries scout with a jmw9 tonearm and a Soundsmith zephyr MIMC star going into a Vincent pho 701. I enjoy the sound I’m getting but I am constantly looking for “better”. More dynamics, higher resolution etc. I know my phono pre is the weak link in that lineup and I’m wanting to upgrade. So what are your thoughts? Upgrade the phonostage or invest into a separate SUT? 
You already have enough gain. What you don't have is enough phono stage. Listen to artemus_5 and skip the SUT and go straight to a better phono stage. Huge improvement. SUT will be a lateral, and depending on the interconnect maybe even go the wrong way. 
This company was introduced yesterday in another thread. I have not heard their equipment so I can’t say how good it is. Others endorsed it. and  it does have more gain. FWIW I am using 60db phono preamp with a Zyx 4D .24mv.
I’m sure there are others. Alnic 1202 (?) comes to mind.
Ironically, the Allnic 1202 comes by its high gain via a complex built-in SUT system.  Not that there's anything wrong with that but it does beg the question of recommending a high gain phono stage.
It depends from the output of your cart(s). 60 dB amplification is
certainly not sufficient for low output carts (bellow 0,3 mV). 
I would recomend Denon AU-S1. Excelent SUT for about $1000
second hand (new $3000). It is 40 Ohms but can be used by each
low outpur cart indempendant from its impedance. 

Hana SL mc cartridge ($750) + a Bellari SUT (~$500) into the MM input of the Vincent will be significantly better than the Soundsmith. No need to immediately replace the Vincent!