Current deals to good to pass up!

Feel free to post links to any current deals, new or used, that we ‘goners might want to consider!
Well, who knows about this Tube Preamp. Seems high quality, a true bargain, $400. or make offer, 14 day returns.

manual is informative

it’s processor loop would allow out to self-powered sub, back in, then out to a low powered amp that would not need to make low bass, the easiest way to use a small tube amp. keeps heat, size, weight, cost lower, and gives more placement options.

old thread here was complimentary, no problems mentioned

I found this about blown fuses, blown transformer, not sure if a common problem, does anyone know?


I wrote the owner/seller, it's his unit


I found some good stuff about this unit, then I found comments about blown fuses, and eventual blown transformer. Does this unit have any history of blown fuses, or transformer?

I see no top vent, did this unit had good open space at it's side vents, above, behind etc, during your years of use?

thanks, Elliott"

sellers answer about the Sound Valves Tube Preamp:


I remember sending it for repair under warranty once. But I don't recall the details - but I don't think it was a blown transformer. Also note that this is 101 and not 100.

This was in my 3 tier audio rack ( one for amp, one for pre-amp and one for CD player) with lots of free space. I always baby my audio equipment."
somebody snapped up the JVC 2 arm plinth and TT71 around the same time. Smart!

Anyone here?