how much difference does a player make

I am looking at adding a cd player to my hometheater rather than using the dvd player. I was thinking of a denon changer that would allow me to play multiple discs if I have company over. Some people feel NAD makes a decent player but is only single disc.

Would I notice a difference in players without having a high end 2 channel set up?

Are the two players mentioned any good or comparable to each other.

Would I actually hear a difference?
I bought a used Anthem CD-1 for a second system (6-disc Sony stacked drive guts with Anthem tube output DAC boards and power supply.) I hooked it up to my main system and whoaaa this thing blew away my Audio Refinement CDP (cheap YBA) so bad it was not even funny.

Advantages: Supurb sound for a multi-disc changer, built like a tank, can play with tube output if desired, digital & analog outputs single ended & balanced. Resell it for no loss if you don't like it.

Disadvantage: No longer made, Takes a few seconds to turn on tube stage, Changer is cubmersom, Changer is mechanical and a bit noisy in operation, only plays CD and HDCD. You can't have mine.

These were 1595 new. I paid 650 on audiogon with upgraded tube.
NAD is an audiophile namebrand with a notorious reputation for quality control. Audible differences will be minimal at best, until the NAD breaks. At that point, the Denon wins hands down. Plus, if you want a changer, buy a changer.
Can make or break your system. Second most important piece (next to speakers)in the audio chain.
Have a friend bring over a high end player or get your audio store to let you have a demo. You will be stunned at the difference a good CD player can make.
"Would I actually hear a difference?"

It depends on your system. You need to let us know what the rest of the system is.

My guess is that if the HT setup cost much under $5000 then the difference will not be pronounced. If it cost under $2000 I doubt you'll hear any difference at all.

The reason I say this is I used to own a Mission Cyrus 2 amp and Cyrus speakers .... great stuff, but mid-level. It would be a $1000 amp and $500 speakers at today's prices. I couldn't hear any difference between a cheap Yamaha CD player and a Meridian 506.20 in that system. That same system could clearly resolve the difference between a $250 turntable and a $1000 turntable, indicating to me that the "source first" argument of hifi is not so applicable with digital playback.

Fast forward, and I now have a more transparent amp and speakers, but the difference between an inexpensive DVD player and a $1000 stand alone player is subtle. It may be worthwhile, but it definitely will not make your "jaw hit the floor" as some others would have you believe.