@rauliruegas @rauliruegas I recently purchased the Kuzma 4Point 9 to replace the SME Series V. I have not used the Series V in some time. The main reason for the change on Tonearm was that the Kuzma (and I know there are others) has a replaceable headshell. My intent, along the line of what has been suggested on this thread, is to have cartridges with different sonic characteristics which I can easily switch between (I am not very “handy” replacing cartridges on the SME - the Kuzma much easier). I did not notice much sonic difference moving from the SME V to the Kuzma (the SME did have a somewhat darker sound, the Kuzma a bit more lively). I also have the Koetsu Black cartridge that I have used with my current setup. In my view it is much more musical than the Dynavector but rather less detailed and dynamic than the Dynavector.
I have tried the Kuzma/Dynavector at gain of 60/66/72 dB and loads of 60/100/200/47k ohms. I like the 200 ohm setting best as it gets me a bit closer to the sound I am looking for.
As mentioned I am a bit cartridge setup challenged (I am less steady of hand and keen of sight than I once was). The existing setup that I have was done by a the setup guru from the retailer that I purchased the Kuzma Tonearm from. Consequently, I can shed much light in the protractor that was used as he had his own gear. That said, during the setup process he tried many different variables with me to tune the setup to that which best achieved my sonic goals.
I have tried the Kuzma/Dynavector at gain of 60/66/72 dB and loads of 60/100/200/47k ohms. I like the 200 ohm setting best as it gets me a bit closer to the sound I am looking for.
As mentioned I am a bit cartridge setup challenged (I am less steady of hand and keen of sight than I once was). The existing setup that I have was done by a the setup guru from the retailer that I purchased the Kuzma Tonearm from. Consequently, I can shed much light in the protractor that was used as he had his own gear. That said, during the setup process he tried many different variables with me to tune the setup to that which best achieved my sonic goals.