Reference 3A MM de Capo Be - how do they sound?

For those who have, or have auditioned these bookshelf speakers, how do they sound?  Is there a more mainstream bookshelf loudspeaker that you to which you would compare them? If you own them, what amp(s) do you think they best perform with?

There is a new version available, the MM de Capo Be II, and I am very interested. Reference 3A offers a 3 week trial period, but I read that they take a bit of time to fulling break in, so I’d prefer to know more about them before I make my decision. Thanks in advance.
I bought my de Capos to replace some Triangle Cometes which I thought sounded thin.  These are standmounts and not floorstanders some use a sub with them but I never have.  And yes the new finish is awful i have cherry.  If you have older speakers you can upgrade both the tweeters to BE and send them the woofers and they can add the cone.
@soix This will be a third system, and I will build it around the speakers. Currently, I have a pair of Moon by SimAudio 400M amps, a pair of Parasound Halo JC1, a pair of Benchmark AHB2, and a Cayin A-88T tube integrated. I sort of assumed I’d look for something with tubes for the MM de Capo Be II, but I’m willing to work on it.

As for the sound characteristics I seek, I feel like I’m still learning that about myself. I love the Wilson Audio house sound, so on the warmer side, with a full midrange, and slam, but I also have Cornwall IV, Dynaudio Special 40, and Triton One (now relegated to home theatre duty). I've also had Spatial Audio M3 TriodeMaster and GoldenEar Triton Reference.  I like some of the things each of these can do. I feel like I’m exploring, although this hobby is an expensive one in which to dabble.
Mine were purchased new in the early 2000s. Seems like they had a 10" woofer. I loved them even better after I put felt pad surround for the tweeters