HELP! I bought equipment drunk, don’t know anything.

So I woke up with a very sore head and depleted bank account this morning.

Recently bought an Audiolab 6000a and Elekit TU-8500 tube preamp. I’ve never owned a preamp before and I hope they’re compatible for my KEF Q11.

I then had a few bottles of wine...

Woke up and saw I had purchased a passive pair of Bryston A2.

Will the amp be able to power the speakers? I don’t listen to loud music. 
Please help this idiot. 
Note to self - Stop drinking. Do you know I never drink? I’ve not had a drink since 1974 when I was in the Navy. Well, not for everyone. But if you’re buying gear drunk you have a problem. 
   Ah the progression of the disease. If you wake up one morning in a strange place with two miss matched speakers , go to an impatient program . 
After a bachelor party, my old neighbor woke up in a bus station in San Diego butt naked with just a trenchcoat to cover him and enough money for bus fare. Seems his friends thought it’d be funny to have him bus himself all the way back to L.A. to get married the next day. Not funny.

All the best,