Total System Gain Question

I am considering an amp with 25dB of gain and 575mV input sensitivity for rated minimum output, and considering a preamp with 18dB of gain. So total system gain would be 43dB. My speakers are 88dB efficient.

Is too much gain for a 2V line level DAC source? I don’t know what the input sensitivity of the preamp is. I worry I’ll be stuck in the bottom (non-linear) portion of the volume pot due to the total gain ...

I don’t have a feel for this since I’d been using an integrated amp forever.
russ69"I may be confused but if your pre-amp can put out 575mv, the amp will be at full rated power. I don't think it matters what the gain stages are."

This is correct and accurate and it is all that is really relevant in this case there is a lot of misinformation in this thread how can you calculate power amplifier output without knowing any details about the power amplifier capabilities, performance, or specifications theer is technical "word salad" in this thread if you can't show you're math work then you can't make the argument, sorry fella!
"...there is a lot of misinformation in this thread how can you calculate power amplifier output..."

Amplifier power measurement has to include the frequency, the load, and the distortion level to have any meaning. It's a moving target, you just can't pick one number and say you have determined the power output of an amp. 
Here’s a link to an app note that overviews the basics of audio system gain structure. Its focus is somewhat around miniDSP, but the concepts definitely apply to analog systems with multiple gain stages. Check it out!

@cleeds is correct in that you can’t determine/calculate the amplifier output power (Watts) based on the information provided by the OP.